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Vegan Foods
rice = arrozwheat = trigo
beans = frijoles
chick peas = garbanzos
soya = soja
tofu = queso de soja
soymilk = leche de soja
vegetables = vegetales
greens = verduras
corn = maíz
squash = calabaza
Güisquil is a common variety of squash.
potato = papa
fries = papas fritas
cabbage = repollo
tomato = tomate
carrot = zanahoria
sweet peppers = pimientos dulces
fruits = frutas
avcad = aguacate
nuts = nuez
mushrms = hongos
bread = pan
flour = harina
flat corn bread = tortillas
vegetable oil = aceite vegetal
vegetable shortening = manteca vegetal
Non-Vegan Foods:
animal products = productos que provengan de animalsmeat = carne
cow/beef = vaca / carne de vacuno
pork = cerdo
chicken = pollo
lamb = cordero
sausage = salchicha or chrizo
sea food = mariscos
fish = pescado
mussels = mejillón
clam = almeja
shrimp = camarón
“ceviche” is a seafood dish made in Latin America
dairy = prducots lácteos
milk = leche (cow milk = leche de vaca)
cheese = queso
yogurt = yogur
butter = mantequilla
cream = crema or nata
ice cream = helado
eggs = huevos
mayonnaise = mayonesa
lard = manteca (de cerdo)
beef/chicken/fish brth = cald de carne/pll/pescad
Local vegan (or easy to make vegan) dishes and foods:
rice and beans = arroz y frijoles (or gall pinto)guacamole
refried beans = frijoles refritos
bread / flat corn bread / flat crispy corn bread = pan / tortilla / tostada
fruit smothie = licuado de fruta
burrito sandwich = sándwich
rice soup = sopa de arroz
Other useful words and phrases
I’m vegan. Do you know what ‘vegan’ means?Y soy vegano. ¿Sabes que significa “vegano”?
It’s similar to vegetarian.
Es similar a vegetariano.
A vegetarian doesn’t eat meat.
Un vegetariano no come carne.
A vegan doesn’t eat meat, but also doesn’t eat other animal products, such as...
Un vegano no come carne y tampco come otros productos que provengan de animales, como...
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