Monday, December 19, 2016

Friday, December 16, 2016

Facts about spanish schools in Antigua Guatemala

In Antigua Guatemala are about 70 schools, only 10 of these schools are registered with the Ministry of Education. Approximately 60% of schools avoid paying taxes. 

The price of the courses is below the price of a dinner in the U.S. or Europe, so it's impossible for them contribute with Guatemala. 

There is no star-based rating system for spanish schools in Antigua Guatemala. Some schools stop the student's progress to charge much more for courses deliberately slowed. 

The content of the courses in some schools is very simple: fill notebooks with useless information.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Antigua GFC, the new Champion?


Gabble, noise, screams, frenzy,

Today Antigua GFC soccer team today won the first stage of the great final. They played against Municipal, one of the eternal favorit rivals. Here you can try to practice your spanish with an original spanish report:

El mexicano Carlos Kamiani lamentó la derrota de Municipal contra Antigua GFC, pero aseguró lucharán el próximo domingo para darle vuelta al resultado y celebra el soñado título de Liga Nacional.

El delantero marcó el gol que le dio el empate transitorio al cuatro escarlata al minuto 28, pero también falló una clara opción al inicio del segundo tiempo que hubiera cambiado la historia en el Estadio Pensativo. 
“Perdonamos y ellos (Antigua) aprovecharon las que tuvieron. Ahora nos toca levantar la cabeza y pensar que faltan 90 minutos para que todo se defina”, resaltó Carlos Kamiani al finalizar el partido.
El mexicano está consciente de los fallos, pero también que en el estadio Doroteo Guamuch Flores el próximo domingo (11 horas) podrán remontar el marcador.
“Antigua fue merecido ganador porque anotó las que tuvo, nos toca a nosotros hacer lo nuestro. Si acá en el Pensativo fue una fiesta en el Doroteo Flores será el doble que acá”, resaltó.

Galindo: Vamos por la corona

Por su parte, el antigüeño Alejandro Galindo se mostró feliz por el resultado y aseguró que aunque falta un partido lo importante fue que se inclinó la serie a favor del cuadro colonial.
“Antigua es un equipo que nunca se ha rendido, queremos mantener la ventaja. Quedan 90 minutos y tenemos que ser inteligente si queremos celebrar la corona”, indicó.
“El próximo domingo iremos a proponer y no a defender el resultado. Somos once contra once y tenemos el mismo nivel”, puntualizó Galindo, quien abrió el marcador a favor de Antigua GFC contra los escarlatas.

Spanish for vegans: a small guide

This post is a reproduction of our official blog

Vegan Foods

rice = arroz
wheat = trigo
beans = frijoles
chick peas = garbanzos
soya  = soja
tofu = queso de soja
soymilk = leche de soja
vegetables = vegetales
greens = verduras
corn = maíz
squash = calabaza
Güisquil is a common variety of squash.
potato = papa
fries = papas fritas
cabbage = repollo
tomato = tomate
carrot = zanahoria
sweet peppers = pimientos dulces
fruits = frutas
avcad = aguacate
nuts = nuez
mushrms = hongos
bread = pan
flour = harina
flat corn bread = tortillas
vegetable oil = aceite vegetal
vegetable shortening = manteca vegetal

Non-Vegan Foods:

animal products = productos que provengan de animals
meat = carne
cow/beef = vaca / carne de vacuno
pork = cerdo
chicken = pollo
lamb = cordero
sausage = salchicha or chrizo
sea food = mariscos
fish = pescado
mussels = mejillón
clam = almeja
shrimp = camarón
“ceviche” is a seafood dish made in Latin America
dairy = prducots lácteos
milk = leche (cow milk = leche de vaca)
cheese = queso
yogurt = yogur
butter = mantequilla
cream = crema or nata
ice cream = helado
eggs = huevos
mayonnaise = mayonesa
lard = manteca (de cerdo)
beef/chicken/fish brth = cald de carne/pll/pescad

Local vegan (or easy to make vegan) dishes and foods:

rice and beans = arroz y frijoles (or gall pinto)
refried beans = frijoles refritos
bread / flat corn bread / flat crispy corn bread = pan / tortilla / tostada
fruit smothie = licuado de fruta
burrito sandwich  = sándwich
rice soup = sopa de arroz

Other useful words and phrases

I’m vegan.  Do you know what ‘vegan’ means?
Y soy vegano.  ¿Sabes que significa “vegano”?   
It’s similar to vegetarian.
Es similar a vegetariano.
A vegetarian doesn’t eat meat.
Un vegetariano no come carne.
A vegan  doesn’t eat meat, but also doesn’t eat other animal products, such as...
Un vegano no come carne y tampco come otros productos que  provengan de animales, como...

Las Posadas in Guatemala

This is our blog from our web:

According to Encyclopedia Britannica  :

Las Posadas, ( Spanish: “The Inns”) religious festival celebrated in Mexico between December 16 and 24. Las Posadas commemorates the journey that Joseph and Mary made from Nazareth to Bethlehem in search of a safe refuge where Mary could give birth to the baby Jesus. When they were unable to find lodging in Bethlehem, Joseph and Mary were forced to seek shelter in a stable, where the Christ child was born.

In general, for Guatemalans las posadas indicates the beginning of the Christmas season. The distinctive sound of the turtle's carapace reverberate in the nighttime air. The smell of ponche sweetens the streets.
The Posadas are like tiny processions that symbolize the journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Jerusalem and their search for a place to spend the night. This tradition originates in Spain where they are called Jornadillas and this tradition is typical of many Latin American countries. Posadas are celebrated in Guatemala from December 16th to the 24th.
The posadas start off small and gather more and more people as they walk, until a large crowd is walking through the streets by the evening. People carry candles protected by cellophane and sing hymns as they walk. When the procession arrives at each house, they ask for posada (accommodation, lodging)  you can see as they progress to different houses, they are at first denied and then welcomed in, blessing the last house as they enter.
When peope enter, they will be offered food and drink, the type depending on the economic status of the house.